Quotation Explorer - 'Santosh Thankachan'

If you stand a Yard away from God Today, you will see your kids standing a Mile away from God Tomorrow. - Santosh Thankachan
Seeking Intimacy with God and desiring Fellowship with Him, will make our calling in Christ sure. - Santosh Thankachan
Where can we find a worshiper who envy a sparrow or a swallow just because of their uninterrupted access to God's altar (Psalm 84:3). Our Genuineness in worship is not revealed by our physical presence in the church but by our desire of being in His Presence always and behold Him (Psalm 84:10). - Santosh Thankachan
A man becomes unrighteous just because of his unholy thoughts but graduates to become a wicked by bringing his unholy thoughts into practice. - Santosh Thankachan
And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by Prayer and Fasting." -Mark 9:29 It seems like many times we miss the whole essence of Fasting and Prayer, perhaps because we have started becoming comfortable with "This Kind". - Santosh Thankachan
A genuine Christian with a heart empty of all wickedness and filled with Christ's Love should be able to achieve any spiritual goals for the Glory of God. - Santosh Thankachan
Believers if opt to practice Favoritism will fail miserably to build a relationship of Mutual Trust & True Respect for themselves. - Santosh Thankachan
Hope Thrives When Prayer Strives. - Santosh Thankachan
We are eager to teach our children to go in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6) but sometimes so much unwilling to go that way first. - Santosh Thankachan
When we aim for Holiness and a true fellowship of God in our own personal lives, then only we really understand what we actually stand for in our Christian life. - Santosh Thankachan
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